
What is Cellulose Acetate?

Cellulose is a natural polymer which represents the backbone of the whole plant kingdom.
By reacting cellulose with acetic anhydride Cellulose Acetate is obtained. 
Plasticizers are then added to Cellulose Acetate to improve its physical characteristics and workability, to become one of the most important raw materials for the production of glasses.

What is BIO-degradable Acetate ?
What is BIO-degradable Acetate ?
BioCell is a cellulose acetate from cotton or wood pulp, certified as biodegradable according to ISO 14855 rules, free of the standard plasticizers used in the industry. Eyewear made from cotton or the precious fibres of wood can return to its origin through the use of a special acetate formulation which involves the presence of plasticizers and additives so that the raw material for the production of eyewear is biodegradable.
What Makes Bio Degradable  Acetate Different ?
What Makes Bio Degradable Acetate Different ?
Traditional plasticizer has been replaced by a plasticizing solution of vegetable origin, thus making BIO acetate a bioplastic with a remarkable bio-based content. BeCycle is an exhortation to be part of a virtuous cycle where every player in the supply chain up to the final consumer can choose products with a lower environmental impact. We are committed to be part of mazzucchelli’s recycle project. Currently we are adopting our production line. Will post more information later on.

Eco Friendly Sun Len

We choose high-quality lenses of various types and functions. 
We also customize lenses for customer’s specific needs. 
Whether indor or outdoor, you can enjoy the wonderful moment with the right sunlens.

Nylon or Polyamide
Nylon or Polyamide
Nylon, or polyamide, is a newer top-notch performance material, it combines the advantages of polycarbonate and CR-39 lenses. Nylon lenses have an outstanding shock resistance while being extremely lightweight, and to do not crack when drilled (making them perfect for some frame shapes).
CR39 Lens
CR39 Lens
CR-39, or organic plastic (and similar compounds) is thinner and weighs half as much as glass, and it is the widest used material for general purposes sunglasses today. It exceeds the FDA requirements for impact-resistance, but it is not shatter-proof, so it is not recommended for active sports.
Mineral Glass Lens
Mineral Glass Lens
Quality glass lenses offer the best viewing quality and the most cratch-resistant. which is the highest level of UV production,However, glass lenses will be heavier, cost more money and are more prone to shatter when hit, so could not be the right choice for every situation.

Metal Component 

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Rongde Building A,Longfeng Tai Industrial Park,1018 Huiyan North Road, Longgang District, Shenzhen,China 518115 
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